The working group is still moving forward in the same direction and pursuing its common target: the inclusion of all disabled and non-disabled individuals through our sport, badminton.
On one hand, the e-learning platform is still available with all the contents for the different profiles targeted: coaches, technical officials, directives and volunteers, in order to help them improving the inclusive knowledge for each area.
On the other hand, the development of the Teaching Goal was satisfactorilyimplemented with the redaction of the Guideline managed by the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), with the support of BWF and the contributions of the different partners.
In relation with the communication and dissemination part of the project, FFBaD, FIBa, BF and FESBA are carrying out more and more activities this year and promoting their clubs’ activities which have been offering Badminton For All happenings.
Several contributions and hardworking sessions of brainstorming were carried out by all the participants at this 6th meeting, which has definitely been productive.
Now, all that remains is to continue working hard so as to enclosure the B4ALL Project and start the Final European Seminar on May.