The inclusive badminton network creates a unique social structure without distinctions between players with and without disabilities. The progressive implementation of this Network will bring together all the nucleus of inclusive practice, a network that will be supported by the federative entity through the development of projects that seek synergies between the Spanish Badminton and different national agents such as clubs, with Chamartin Badminton Club , Universities, such as the Politechnique University of Madrid (UPM) or the University of Kent ,and also international collaborators such as the Finnish, French and Italian Badminton Associations. This project counts aswell with the presence of the High Sport Council of Spain (CSD), the Spanish Paralympic Committee (CPE) and the collaboration of The Badminton Europe Confederation (BEC).
On the map below, you can check the European Network of the different Inclusive Badminton Clubs and Para - Badminton Clubs.
Blue colour, partners in the B4ALL Project.
Yellow colour, Badminton Clubs with Inclusive and Para - Badminton activities.
Pink colour, Pilot clubs of every partner of the B4ALL Project. These pilot clubs will collaborate and work with B4ALL to create new activities that will allow for the permanent development of Inclusive Badminton.