Paralympic Committee, Paralympic Relay and Xátiva Badminton Club lead the new B4ALL beginning.

Paralympic Committee, Paralympic Relay and Xátiva Badminton Club lead the new B4ALL beginning.

In this occasion, Xàtiva has been the city in charge of hosting the first edition of Badminton Inclusive Campus from 2nd to 6th September at The Municipal Volleyball sport hall.

This activity has been organiced by Xàtiva Badminton Club along with  Paralympic Relay and Paralympic Committee, all of them with the same goal of achieving the total inclusion among the athletes with different types  of disabilities who were present at that time.

The participation during the camp was quite positive with a total of fifty seven people, thirty four of them belonging to occupational centers and the rest of them to Badminton Xativa Club.

During the journay, apart from loads of specific adapted exercices to the different types of disabilities, the participants could enjoy the presence of Thomas Wandschneider, badminton player of  Xàtiva who is also playing in an international level  in the category of wheelchair (WH-1). 

Wonderful exchanges of experiences during those days which will be just the beggining of their inclusive badminton season.




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