The Councilor for Citizen Participation, Sports and University of Huelva City, María José Pulido, pointed out that these new projects are definitely really exiting and essential in order to have reference not only through elite sport and high competition, but also through grassroots and inclusive sport. This school is one of the best examples that, with desire and effort, can overcome all barriers, as they are already doing fifty people with different disabilities taking part in such an amazing project.
In this context, it should be noted that this school is being developed since last January at the Andalusian Training Center, located in the ´Carolina Marín Sports Palace`, which is promoted at the same time by the Andalusian Badminton Federation and one of the pilot club of our B4ALL Project, Huelva Badminton Club.
Step by step, the city of Huelva is fighting in order to disseminate this inclusive project through badminton in every city of Andalucia so that it can become another element of integration in the society, to promote self-esteem and improve self-perception of health.
For any further information, you can check the full new in the links attached:
♦ Local Press Information
♦ Local Press Information 2