On 25-29 March 2019, the B4ALL Week was held at the IES San Fernando, where more than 300 students from the 1st to the 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education were taking part. Besides, the special collaboration of four professors. The main B4ALL Week objective was to explain to the students how to play badminton without excluding people with disabilities and apply criteria of equity and form that people with and without disabilities participate together in both training and competition and thus facilitate the extension of the badminton inclusive.
The organization was run by the Physical Education Department of IES San Fernando and Chamartín Badminton Club.
The B4ALL Week program was developed with one theoretical session and another practice session for each course. In every one, the inclusive sport concept was explained by Enrique Rispa, a para - badminton player with his right leg amputed in 2010, fact that allows him to expose with much knowledge and clarity what the inclusion is in the sport and specifically, in badminton. Plenty of photographs and several videos were presented. The 13 practical sessions were given by the president of CB Chamartin, José Luis Hernández, and some coaches and players. The activity, was mainly focused on explaining and showing the necessary adaptations to seek fairness in the game based on disability and provide guidelines for the joint practice of people with and without disabilities.